sense series

Sense Series

Enabling optimization through sense

With more than a 50-year track record in digital innovation, 黄色成人快播电影’s unmatched intelligent instruments portfolio enables industry leading process optimization?.
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Leading legacy
The most comprehensive portfolio of intelligent instruments that covers the entire flowsheet

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Leading intelligence
Our specialized instruments utilize latest technologies for accurate data

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Leading performance
Proven, tangible and measurable benefits for the comminution and beneficiation circuits

The Sense series portfolio covers the entire process, helping customers maximize their profitability and minimize their operating costs and environmental risks.
sense series
黄色成人快播电影 Sense series covers the whole process
rocksense 2D 黄色成人快播电影
1. RockSense 2D?

Achieve improved stability and efficiency in your crushing and grinding process with 黄色成人快播电影 RockSense 2D™ high-performance measurement technology.

An online particle size analyzer system for rocks moving on a conveyor belt that uses 2D imaging technology.


  • Online, continuous on belt coarse particle size distribution?
  • For control applications?
  • Based on camera technology?
  • Improved Image Miner 


Read more about RockSense 2D™? here

2. RockSense 3D?

Take comminution optimization to the next level with better knowledge of particle size detection (PSD) on the belt.?

Using 3D imaging: Accurate, continuous on belt coarse particle size distribution and volume flow. AI / neural network capability for foreign objects and oversized lumps detection. 


  • Online, continuous on belt coarse particle size distribution?
  • High accuracy and control applications?
  • Uses high-performance 3D imaging technology ?
  • Cumulative volume flow estimation (m3/h)?
  • AI / deep learning capability, for example of foreign objects recognition and oversized lumps detection?
  • Improved image miner


Read more about RockSense 3D™ here

3. VisioTruck?

Detect truck discharge based on rock vertical movements using algorithms with image analysis.

VisioTruck detects truck discharge based on rock vertical movements. Utilizing IR camera that takes up to 10 images per second, it is able to capture pictures during discharge and process images after the discharge. Combined with truck tracking system, VisioTruck provides precise the mine to mill study with the PSD per truck.


  • Innovative vision technology: Estimate rock size distribution and other properties of mine truck loads
  • Intelligent archiving: Easy to navigate archived images or replay the discharge of any truck in the past
  • Accurate, consistent measurement and automatic analysis
4. SmartTag?

RFID tracers that physically track the ore from mine to mill.

SmartTag enables proactive control based on feed type and provides reduction in dilution and ore loss. Tags are low frequency and passive i.e., they are long-lasting, and normal recovery rates are 85% (open pit) to 95% (underground). They are simple to use and integrate into current systems and procedures.

How it works:

  • Blast-proof tags are placed in the stemming of blast holes or muck piles
  • Tags travel with the ore to the plant
  • Tags survive haulage and crushing
  • Detection points are located at key areas of the ore processing
  • Data is transferred from the detection points to a centralised database where is used in numerous applications
5-6. MillSense?? & SmartEar?

Provides online volumetric charge analysis by direct measurement of charge position.

MillSense™ features:?

  • Uses vibration and force to determine the charge position

  • Applicable for AG and SAG mills, and all liner types

SmartEar™ features:

  • Uses sound spectrum analysis to measure the amplitude of impacts

  • Applicable for SAG mills with metallic liners

MillSense™ and SmartEar™ combination

The combination of MillSense™ and SmartEar™ fuses acoustic, vibration and force sensors information for improved online analytics of mill operations. This enables new ways of optimizing grinding performance.

Read more about MillSense here?

7. CycloneSense?

CycloneSense brings smart monitoring of hydrocyclones and adds valuable insight for their control and process optimization.

The online measurement system visualizes hydrocyclones air core through direct measurement, allowing you to see the points where roping and other issues can happen.

At the Mining Magazine awards 2021, CycloneSense was voted winner of the Mineral Process category at the annual event for outstanding performance of new technologies, initiatives and equipment in the mining sector.


  • Direct, continuous and robust online measurement of hydrocyclone air core
  • Turns a hydrocyclone into a smart and connected asset
  • Identifies problem situations
  • Based on process tomography technology
8. VertiSense?

A digital solution for Vertimill® stirred milling technology. 

It is a novel system designed to enhance the grinding process in Vertimill® that enables the wear monitoring of screw liners in real time and maximize operational efficiency through intuitive software and analytics.


  • Easy to install, and maintain and use
  • Helps optimize efficiency by ensuring wear parts are being replaced at the best time
  • Minimizes unplanned maintenance downtime and promotes better planning
9. WearSense?

Optimizing the interval time between liner replacements results in fewer change outs, less downtime and reduced waste. This helps to reach your sustainability targets.

WearSense™ is a wireless online wear monitoring system that can be fitted to any metallic or ceramic liner independent of the attachment system in use. It monitors wear in real time and tells you when to change liners.


  • Up to 40% less embedded carbon
  • Less downtime
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Improved safety


Read more about WearSense™ here?

10. LevelSense?

Improve the level control of your 黄色成人快播电影 flotation cell to prevent cell overflows and draining issues, as well as improve the stability and economic performance of your process.

Utilizing electrical impedance tomography (EIT), LevelSense improves the slurry level measurement of flotation cells.


  • Improves flotation process stability and economic performance
  • Gives accurate, consistent measurement even with stiff froth
  • Operates consistently even with varying slurry and froth density
  • Allows a wide measurement range up to 1650 mm, depending on probe length
  • Installs quickly and is reliable and easy to maintain and calibrate


Read more about LevelSense here

11. FrothSense+?

Take flotation optimization to the next level with the latest technology and capability. This new system utilizes new capabilities with AI neural network, multiple regions of interest and froth height measurement.


  • Combines the best features of two legacy products: FrothSense™ and VisioFroth™
  • New and redesigned software, hardware and capabilities??
  • Optimized algorithms and parallel processing for simultaneous outputs
  • ?Improved resolution and lighting for better identification of fine froth
  • Uses artificial intelligence (AI) with deep learning algorithms to detect flotation properties?
  • Easy to integrate with control and reporting systems?
  • Includes live camera feed (control room & remote)?


Read more about FrothSense+ here


OKTOP SandSense
12. SandSense?

An instrument for measuring the level of settled solids at the bottom of a reactor, allowing for optimization of the solids mixing inside a tank and indicating sanding/solids accumulation

13. CarbonSense?

An in-situ measurement system that helps to minimize gold solution losses in carbon-in-pulp (CIP) and carbon-in-leach (CIL) circuits by enabling reliable and repeatable online monitoring of carbon concentration.

The instrument is directly immersed in the slurry, no sample transfer is needed, and the measurement is always available for optimal carbon management.


  • Enables continuous, representative, and reliable carbon measurement
  • Supports development of efficient strategies for advanced CIP/CIL control
  • Fully automatic operation
  • Simple to install, operate, and maintain with no moving parts or sample transfer
  • Increases safety by helping to avoid blockages and other sampling issues?


Read more about CarbonSense here

14. DispersionSense?

Provides continuous measurement of organic/dispersion and dispersion/aqueous inter-phases, replacing manual measurements and allowing for a view inside a settler and optimization of the process.


  • Continuous measurement: Accurate measurement of dispersion interphases inside settler for troubleshooting and predictions. Measures dispersion height, organic band height
  • Lower entrainment values: Prediction of unwanted changes allow to minimize organic losses or impurity carry-over to product solution
  • Less manual sampling: Workers' exposure to hazardous substances and environments is significantly reduced
15. CellSense?

An advanced tankhouse monitoring system that automatically measures electrolyte temperature and voltage in individual cells.

The system uses 黄色成人快播电影’s proven CellSensor technology, which is self-powered from the cell busbars with wireless communication. The system is simple to install and has low maintenance requirements.


  • Support active monitoring of cells for early detection of electrolyte flow issues or short circuits.
  • Wireless technology is easy to install in both new and existing cells.
  • Enables online monitoring of process to increase safety.
  • User-friendly operation.
  • Provides improved visibility of both individual cells and overall tankhouse performance.


Read more about CellSense here

16. OASense?

Measures separation time for continuous understanding of separation phenomena.


  • Continuous measurement: Accurate measurement of separation phenomena from mixer. Measures separation time, O/A-ratio and continuity
  • Lower entrainment values: Prediction of unwanted changes allow to minimize organic losses or impurity carry-over to product solution
  • Less manual sampling: Workers exposure to hazardous substances and environments is significantly reduced
17. CathodeSense+

CathodeSense+ offers a proven and user-friendly technology with a modular design that is easy to implement in both brownfield and greenfield environments, providing fast and accurate quality analysis for high-capacity throughput without the need for calibration, ensuring reliable results for all Cathode Stripping Machines.


  • Proven track record
  • Ease of use
  • Unmatched benefits

Read more about CathodeSense+ here.

17. CathodeSense+
18. ShortCircuitSense?

A short circuit detection system mounted on a moving crane that enables to increase the production efficiency in tankhouse through early hot-spot detection, typically offered with CellSense.

ShortCircuitSense allows to get consistent information via an easy and intuitive user interface with accurate view of the electrode top and occurring short circuits. A non-invasive temperature stability measurement device provides data to advanced process control systems such as MO APC / Proscon.


  • Increases process stability and efficiency
  • Accurate detection of short circuits indicated on the monitoring screen
  • Increases current efficiency
  • Short payback time
intelligent instruments
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